Generations later Jesus, the long awaited Messiah, arrives. His life, death, and resurrection closes the relational chasm between God and mankind and His ascent into heaven ushers in the promise of a new relational experience with God: the comfort, conviction, and help of the Holy Spirit.
I hope you see a pattern. God prioritizes relationship.
But as Dallas Willard said, our spiritual practices alone do not produce the intimacy that a “conversational relationship” with God produces. This is critical. Consider human relationships; without conversation, our relationships live in the realm of intellect and never fully develop into lived experiences and heart connection.
I can know a lot about a person but without a rhythm of communication, the intimacy will suffer. Similarly we can know a lot about God, intellectually, but rarely connect with Him on a heart level.
The ancient practice of prayer is the doorway to developing a conversational relationship with God. When we pray, we act upon our belief in a God who has always prioritized relational intimacy and we believe the words of Hebrews 11:6.