How Certain Are You?

Perfect Attendance. SAT Scores. Annual Reviews. Yearly Salaries. 401Ks… Life begins and ends with numbers and evaluations.
This is what society would have us believe. 

Instead of being primed for simplicity and peace we are immersed in an ocean of expectations. And if we desire to live in the way of Jesus and to receive His love we will have to swim upstream against the current of a cultural ideology founded on one general formula: 

Certainty is defined as “a fact that is definitely true or an event that is definitelygoing to take place.” Upward mobility, in all it’s forms, is our performance strategy of choice in the West: “Do more and try harder” so you can achieve. If you achieve you can be certain you will belong, be praised, avoid rejection, avoid lack, secure happiness, become worthy of love:

  • In school
  • In church
  • In career
  • In relationships

From our earliest moments, the pressure to perform drives us to accumulate achievements so that we can earn something to be grateful for. While none of us would argue with the necessity of work and healthy stewardship, we’ve all experienced the emotional, physical, mental, spiritual, and relational sting when our efforts to strive fall short. 

We are not robots. We have not been programmed. We are not machines. We are beating hearts. We are human beings. We are sons and daughters that God dearly loves and we are living in a Post-Eden world where life is far from perfect because we have all left the garden.

So where do we turn when we experience disappointment or the tension that surfaces when we achieve only to realize our version of certainty doesn’t satisfy us on a soul level? We have two primary choices: we will either go deeper into our systems of control or we will reach for God, Himself.

When I strive for my own version of certainty I essentially believe my way, my timing and my plan is the right way. I am the guiding force for my own life. 

When I choose humility and surrender my life to God’s way (His timing and His plan), I yield to God as the guiding force for the life He’s entrusted me with.

This may feel counter cultural because it is.
Biblical faith has never been about human certainty.

God is not a formula to master, but a person to connect with.

There are realities that fall in the realm of certainty that are beyond our control, yet we trust these things will come to pass. The stars will shine, the sun will rise, oxygen will fill our lungs, and nothing will separate us from the love of God (Romans 8:35-39).

All of the things we can be most certain of are also outside the realm of our control. All of the things we can be grateful for are unforced gifts from the Giver of every good and perfect gift.

Be assured, there is an all knowing, all powerful and all present God who desires to bring something beautiful to bear in your life. And this beauty will not come by your might or your power but by the Spirit of God and your willingness to hear and know His voice.

The invitation of God is not an invitation into a life of striving. It is an invitation to simply receive what is being given, to simply come home to His perfect love that casts out all fear.

Tanya Godsey
Director of Spiritual Formation