I can share the honest and vulnerable places within my fragile, broken heart, and in return, He tends to my wounds and heals my brokenness. It is He who validates my true identity. This healing process has taken many years, and even now, hurtful words from others can still pierce my heart while praise continues to be expressed. However, I have experienced a profound shift in my perspective. The stones of criticism are now shielded by the protection of God's words spoken over me, and praise remains where it should, as an acknowledgment of the gifts God has bestowed upon me.
I want to encourage you, my friend, by reminding you that the enemy will employ every tactic to distract you from taking the next right step on your personal healing journey. He may cloak distractions in praise or be outright with persecution. But here is the truth—YOU DON'T HAVE TO PICK UP EITHER ONE!Instead, may the reality of who God says you are outweigh any persecution seeking to harm you, and may the praise that attempts to distract you be relegated to its proper place—the ground—as you confidently walk over each one.
I pray that you find strength, peace, and unwavering faith in the face of praise and persecution. May you always remember the power of God's love and the truth of His words spoken over your life. You are fearfully and wonderfully made, and your worth is not determined by the opinions of others. May you find solace and affirmation in the One who created you.
It’s with this mindset that you can step into the new year with HOPE as your path is dictated by the ONE that has come to set you free.
With heartfelt blessings for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, Karrie Garcia Founder of FREEDOM MOVEMENT