The Ministry in the Mundane

I’ve been reading the sermon on the mount every week in 2024 and I’m working on memorizing it by the end of the year. In years past I have done Bible reading plans through the whole Bible, but this year I felt drawn to simplicity and repetition.

I wanted to be so saturated in words in Jesus’s sermon that His words become a part of me. Hands down it’s been the most transformative spiritual practice of my year. Takes 20 minutes once a week… but the ripple effect has touched every part of my life this year.

In this recorded sermon, Jesus gives a firm warning against practicing righteousness in order to be seen by people. Jesus speaks to three areas: giving, fasting, and praying. This stood out to me in regards to how my story has shaped my approach to ministry.

My Early Views on Ministry

Growing up as a church staff kid, I subconsciously believed that impactful ministry happened best on a stage. I wanted to be seen, recognized, and entrusted with roles that were visibly impactful. I strived relentlessly, hoping to be acknowledged by Christian leaders, thinking that more responsibility in the church equated to greater significance in the eyes of God.

When the goal is to be seen by people, we forfeit our reward from our Father to settle with a self-serving and momentary praise and attention from people.  But when we pursue God’s presence in the secret place — our father who sees in secret rewards us with more of Himself.

Satisfied in Secret

I was forced into a secret place against my will at 21 years old when I found out I was pregnant just three months after getting married. My husband was off to travel the world singing songs about Jesus on stages while I sat disillusioned and lonely at home working, doing laundry, and taking care of my son. I felt benched by God, envious, and angry.

It was here, exiled in obscurity, that I discovered what Chip Dodd calls the gift that comes from loneliness — intimacy. It wasn’t about being in the spotlight or receiving accolades from others. The real ministry, the most profound and sacred work, was happening in the mundane moments of my everyday life.

It was in the monotony of chores, in the daily demands of raising children, in faithfully stewarding my career, and in the quiet moments of abiding in God’s presence that I found my true purpose in His presence.

It was in the secret place where God was shaping my heart, teaching me to love deeply, serve selflessly, and remain rooted in His love.

Christine Caine once said,"The light that is on you will destroy you if the light that is in you can't sustain you."

The light from within is cultivated in the secret place.

His presence is your purpose.

Too many times we see leaders with external influence morally fail due to a lack of internal integrity. They create things for God, telling people about God, but missing intimacy with God. This often leads to their downfall where God mercifully corrects and re-directs them back to His heart.

It’s not until we’re satisfied with His presence, that he can entrust us with platforms. But all platforms aside, the true definition of our ministry to the world is the purpose we find in God’s presence. When all our titles, roles, and duties fall away - His presence remains your greatest ministry.

You don’t have to try so hard to be seen by God, He knows exactly where you are.Remain faithful in the stewardship of His presence wherever He has placed you, no matter how ordinary it may seem.

As you remain in a posture of abiding love with God, you will find that even the most mundane tasks are transformed into sacred acts of worship that impact a hungry and hurting world with His present love alive in you.

I hope this story encourages you to see the ministry in your own everyday life, to find joy in the simple, and to trust that God is doing a mighty work within you, right where you are.


For Eternity & Until,

Tori Hein
Freedom Coach & FM's Director of Marketing & Strategy