The Righteous Dispensation of Power

A few years ago I completed a highly visible season of ministry with a heart full of gratitude.

I was preparing to settle into sabbath rest when I heard these words:

"Look to the horizon."

I had no idea this invitation would usher me into a season of true illumination with God through an in-depth biblical journey. What was the topic of study? The righteous dispensation of power as chronicled in the family of God.

I sat on the edge of my seat as I read of Moses’ supernaturally charged invitation into influence. I wept as I realized His calling was ultimately not defined by outcomes but by intimacy. He never made it to the land flowing with milk and honey and yet He made it to the promised land we all long for - a deeply personal friendship with God.

I read through 1st and 2nd Kings where the refrain became a celebration of those who dispensed power in the fear of God, those who did “right in the eyes of the Lord” versus those who “did evil in the sight of the Lord” and reaped what they had sown. Why is this conversation important? Because the righteous (or unrighteous) dispensation of power has been shaping our personal and collective world views (and human history) since the beginning of time.

As God’s people, it is imperative that we take hold of a biblically rooted understanding of power and influence as we stand on the precipice of change in our world and as we look in the mirror and examine our own personal stewardship.


As I carefully weighed God's word on this topic I found some overarching biblical truths.

  • The righteous dispensation of power flows from a deeply personal friendship with God which leads to biblical fear of the Lord (proper awe of Him and alignment with His word).
  • Power, without the fear of the Lord always leads to corruption and is subject to dark influences- the little “g” gods of our time.
  • The primary grid through which we must steward power is NOT storied or cultural but biblical.
  • Our intimacy with God is always meant to be greater than our influence for Him.
  • Influence is an entrustment from God, dispensed to bring His kingdom come on earth as it is in Heaven.
  • Unhealed wounds and unmet longings, along with the snares of the enemy, the flesh and the world will always be threats to the purity of influence. Abiding in God’s Presence is protective.
  • Acts 1:8 tells us spiritual power is received, not achieved, through the Holy Spirit. We must be connected to God’s Spirit to be empowered stewards who are filled with the fruit of God’s Spirit necessary to steward power righteously.

"He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God." - Micah 6:8

Living aligned with God’s heart in this requires a relationship-first posture, a posture in which God Himself is our true guiding Source in a world of resources.
As we close I invite you to take 15 minutes with God to weigh these questions as you reflect on your stewardship of influence.
  1. Is my stewardship aligned with biblical values or cultural narratives?
  2. Is my “yes” to influence guided by any other driving force than the Holy Spirit?
  3. How is God receiving the glory?
  4. As Christ followers God is inviting us to return to purity in all we do, on earth as it is in Heaven.

As Dallas Willard said: The most important thing in your life is not what you do; it's who you become. That's what you will take into eternity.

May we pursue the permanent home of God’s Presence above all else, the Source from which all righteous power flows- from everyday to eternity.

Spiritual Director