Your Unfelt Emotions Might Be Running The Show
"Go to your room if you're gonna cry!" If you remember being told this as a child, do you also have a difficult time naming or expressing your emotions as an adult?
If you don't know how to connect to your own feelings, it's going to be difficult to feel connected to those that you love. This disconnection creates BIG issues for us over time and often leads me to feel depressed, anxious, and fearful of honest conversations with myself and others.
The GOOD NEWS is that God didn't intend this for us, and we don't have to stay stuck in this pattern. Here are 2 practices that I am using to teach myself how to identify and honor my emotions, so that I can learn how to regulate myself and connect in relationships.
Click here to download an emotions list to help you get started!
This quick practice has immediate impact when you're experiencing BIG feelings that are difficult to identify.
Use the emotions PDF to help you name and honor what you’re feeling. Simply naming feelings creates a sense of safety within yourself and brings soothing to your nervous system. Try it.
1. Choose the primary emotion that you most identify with and write it down at the top of a blank piece of paper
2. Say out loud, “Anger (name the emotion YOU chose), what do you need to tell me today?”
3. Choose 1-3 secondary emotions that you might also be experiencing and write each one down on your paper as well.
4. Use your voice to practice saying out loud,
“(name each emotion), I understand that you are here for a reason.”
“__________ , I understand that you are here for a reason.”
“__________ , I understand that you are here for a reason.”
Do this slowly, giving yourself time to notice any other feelings that come up during this practice.
5. If it feels comfortable to engage God in this space, do so. Say out loud, “God, thank you for revealing this (name each emotion you identified) to me. I want to PARTNER WITH YOU in my emotions; help me understand Your truth within what's surfacing in my story.”