Support Freedom Movement

Free People, Free People. Grow Freedom Movement's impact by donating. 

Free People, Free People.

We are endlessly thankful for the support of our friends, family, and church partners who allow us to continue with the mission God has placed on our hearts. We know that our work would be impossible without the donations of those who share our passion for spreading freedom. Will you prayerfully consider contributing to Freedom Movement? Any amount you can contribute will help, and every dollar goes straight back to the movement. All donations are tax deductible and you will receive a receipt for your gift. We’re so excited about continuing to provide our current offerings—in addition to so much more we have planned—for years to come.

We thank you for your support of Freedom Movement’s vision, through funding as well as your time and prayers. Ultimately, we know Freedom Movement is more than just our events, courses, and other offerings. It’s a tangible movement made up of real people on their way to freedom. We hope you’ll join us in praying for those that still need freedom—that this movement continues to grow in order to reach those who need to hear the good news of God’s relentless, redeeming, and freeing love.