Freedom Academy Online is a 3-day immersive online training to deepen wholehearted intimacy with God and others through trauma-informed and Christ-centered coaching.



February 7-9, 2025










This training may be for you if... 

  • You’re constantly chasing external fulfillment but not being satisfied internally. 

  • You desire to lead and love others from a place of wholeness. 
  • You feel limited in your ability to engage the difficult emotions you and others feel. 
  • You need a Biblical framework for approaching grief and healing in your story. 
  • You’re tired of feeling stuck in the negative self-talk in your mind or seeing others stuck in the same cycles. 

  • You minimize your story and the emotions you experience believing it’s irrelevant to your purpose.

  • You’re surviving not thriving, but you want to feel fully alive. 

This Sounds Like Me
Meet Your Instructors
Karrie Garcia

Growing up, the hurt and pain in my family’s story was hidden behind Bible memory verses, church services, and performance. I watched my mom serve the church as my dad pastored on Sunday only to come home and hide her pain with an eating disorder through the week. After a lifetime of concealing and dismissing the hurt in her story, my mom took her own life.

The anger and fear I felt as a witness to this left me feeling hopeless. Just like my mom, this led me down a pathway of various addictions to fill the void in my heart. In the aftermath of drug addiction, a failed marriage, and broken ministry, I considered ending my own life, too. 

God met me in my brokenness with one question, “What would it look like to be honest?” 

This question was the catalyst to a lifelong pursuit of true freedom in my story and has defined my work as a pastor, coach, author, and speaker for the last 28 years. 

To see true change in the world around us, we need more than behavior modification. We need heart transformation!

Jeff Myers

For most of my 28 years of marriage, I communicated with my wife on a very surface level. A few months after implementing these communication skills, I heard her tell a friend they saved our marriage. This shocked me because I didn’t even know it needed saving. I think like many guys, I just didn’t know how to connect on a heart level.

As a coach, I love helping people discover wholeness, and freedom. This way we can show up in life as our best selves, offering all we are to a world that desperately needs people who can be present with others.

Jeff currently works as an Executive Coach at Ramsey Solutions and as a life & leadership coach. Jeff, his wife Lisa and their two youngest daughters live in the Nashville, TN area, but love visiting their three adult children, including their new daughter-in-law, on the central coast of California.

Tori Hein

Tori is a down to earth communicator, coach, and entrepreneur who engages people with her authenticity, wisdom, and passion for God and His word. Whether on stage speaking, coaching her clients, or sitting snuggled on a couch with a friend, her goal is to move others toward God in their story and live for eternity, now.

Reaching a point of burnout after a decade-long career in online sales, Tori began a journey of healing from chronic stress and overworking that birthed a new passion within her to support female Christian leaders with trauma-informed coaching. 

Alongside her personal coaching and mentorship programs, Tori serves as a trainer and executive marketing director for Freedom Movement.

Her and her husband, Matt, and two children, Micaiah and Amara, live in the Tennessee countryside just south of Nashville.



Connection with Self 

  • Learn how to identify your story through our Story Work Framework so you can unlock and start embracing your unique purpose. 
  • Discuss topics such as denial and shame in your story so that you’re no longer stuck in the continuous cycle of self-sabotage. 
  • Learn how to listen and invite God into these places though honesty and transparency so you can begin walking in the abundant life God has for you.
  • Break down misconceptions about God, self, and others so you can begin to develop relationships that bring immense trust. 


Connection with God

  • Learn how to ask powerful questions that will help you and those around you step into your unique callings.
  • Gain an emotional language that allows for deeper connection with others and God. 
  • Hands-on coaching and training in a personal and intimate setting that will help you gain confidence to work through your story and move forward. 
  • Learn how to identify relational needs in yourself and others so that you can begin to know EXACTLY what you want in life.
  • Learn to listen and trust the Holy Spirit to heal so you can release the burden to fix others.


Connection with Others

  • Learn how to restore and repair relationships so that you can build a trusting and safe community and kingdom. 
  • Experience a profound mind shift as you learn to see God’s goodness in your story so you can begin to completely heal and experience TRUE freedom. 
  • Learn the how-tos and whys of setting healthy boundaries so you can thrive in your time, talents, and relationships.
  • Leave with all the tools needed so you can lead with love and confidence and make a MASSIVE impact on the world. 


Freedom Movement equips people to transform their conversations in their churches and communities by being Trauma-Informed, Spirit-Filled, and Biblically Sound.
Free People, Free People.

"This has been one of the hardest things I’ve signed up for. I don’t know anyone that wants to pay money to feel all of their emotions. But somehow I did just that and I’m starting to see how valuable (and necessary) it is to be willing and able to be fully seen by God and others. Without judgment or fear of rejection. I shockingly feel more calm and peaceful after exposing some of my deepest pain to strangers. I feel more hopeful than I did when I entered this training and I'm looking forward to seeing what comes out of this time. I've done a lot of work, but never anything like this. " - Sabrina

"I was so excited to do Freedom Academy hoping to have more tools for my own clients and to mentor under Karrie after reading her book. I had no idea how much healing I would do of my own during this weekend. It has been hard, joyful, and exquisite this weekend. Everyone should go through Freedom Academy. It is life changing." - Kim

This weekend has been life changing! God has been doing a work in my life and Freedom Movement has been the next step He’s used to begin healing in my story.  I see Him using me in the future to guide others to Freedom Movement.  I'm leaving with direction and hope! - Amy

"For me this content has been good, not all new but it's so needed over and over again. The most impactful part of these three days isn't the teaching/content, it's the presence and interaction - holding and engaging with kindness and curiosity. I have learned the most from the check ins with Karrie meeting our stories with fierce love and I want more. I want to be that for others and the practicality in the approach feels like a path to grow in that way." 

- Maria

"The last three days have been so validating and healing the gaps that I've felt between measures of healing and experiencing true wholeness. My intuition told me for some time that grief was the way through, so when I started to engage it last year, it felt hard but liberating, powerful but lonely because people and the church didn't understand it. Through Freedom Academy I now have language and more tools to not only continue to deepen the work of healing, but to connect with others and help them understand my heart and process too!"

- Brianna

February 7-9th










Are You Ready?
  • Three days of teaching, training and one-on-one coaching.
  • PDF Workbooks
  • Training materials with customized Freedom Academy + Story work exercises.
  • Simple coaching tools to transform your conversations.



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